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코비 브라이언트

by shenminghu456 2022. 4. 13.

코비 빈 브라이언트(영어: Kobe Bean Bryant, 1978년 8월 23일 ~ 2020년 1월 26일)는 미국의 은퇴한 농구 선수이다. 

선수 시절 포지션은 슈팅 가드로 전미 농구 협회(NBA)의 팀인 로스앤젤레스 레이커스의 소속으로 활약하며 5회의 우승(2000 ~ 2002, 2009, 2010)을 거두었다. 필라델피아 세븐티식서스에서 선수 생활을 했고 WNBA의 로스앤젤레스 스파크스의 전 감독으로 활동한 조 브라이언트의 외아들이기도 하다. 

현역 시절 별명은 "블랙 맘바"(Black mamba)이다.


<초기 생애 와 교육>

필라델피아에서 태어난 브라이언트는 전 NBA 농구선수 조 브라이언트와 패멀라 콕스 브라이언트의 3명의 자식들 중

막내로 단 하나의 아들이었다. 그는 또한 농구 선수 조 "처비" 콕스의 외조카이기도 하다. 그의 부모는 레스토랑 메뉴에 본 일본 효고현 고베(일본어: 神戸,kōbe)의 유명한 쇠고기 요리를 따서 그의 이름을 코비라고 지었다. 그의 중앙 이름 "빈"은 부친의 별명이 "젤리빈"이란 이유로 붙여졌다. 브라이언트는 로마 가톨릭 신앙으로 자라왔다. 코비가 6세 때 부친은 NBA로부터 은퇴하고 낮은 수준에서 프로 농구를 지속적으로 하는 데 가족을 이탈리아 리에티로 이주시켰다. 코비는 자신의 새로운 생활에 익숙해지고 이탈리아어를 유창하게 하는 데 배웠다. 여름 동안에는 그는 농구의 여름 리그에서 활약하는 데 미국으로 돌아오려고 하였다.

브라이언트는 3세 때 농구를 하기 시작하였고, 성장하면서 레이커스가 그의 가장 좋아하는 팀이었다. 이른 나이에 그는 또한 축구를 하는 것을 배우고 자신이 제일 좋아하는 팀은 AC 밀란이었다. 부친이 1991년 현역에서 은퇴했을 때 그의 가족은 미국으로 돌아왔다.


<고교 시절>

브라이언트는 필라델피아 외곽 로어메리언에 위치한 아드모어에 있는 로어메리언 고등학교에서 눈부신 고등학교 경력 동안 국내적 인정을 얻었다. 그는 신입생으로서 대학 농구 팀에 활약하였다. 그는 로어메리언의 대학 팀을 위하여 시작하는 데 10년간의 세월에 첫 신입생이 되었으나 팀은 4승 20패의 기록과 함께 끝냈다. 이어진 3년에 브라이언트가 5개의 포지션을 전부 활약하면서 에이시스는 77 승 13 패의 기록을 수집하였다. 자신의 주니어 해에 그는 31.1 포인트, 10.4 리바운드와 5.2 어시스트를 평균하였고 "올해의 펜실베이니아주 선수"로 임명되어 진행에서 대학 신병들로부터 주의를 끌어들였다. 듀크 대학교, 미시간 대학교, 노스캐롤라이나 대학교와 빌라노바 대학교가 그의 명단에 정상에 있었고, 케빈 가넷이 1995년 NBA 드래프트의 첫 라운드에 갈 때 브라이언트는 곧장 프로로 가는 것을 숙고하기 시작하였다.

아디다스 ABCD 캠프에서 브라이언트는 훗날의 NBA 동료 선수 라마 오덤과 더불어 활약하는 동안 1995년의 시니어 MVP 상을 수상하였다. 고등학교에서 재학하는 동안 당시 필라델피아 세븐티식서스의 감독 존 루카스는 브라이언트가 제리 스택하우스와 1 대 1로 활약한 팀과 함께 연습 경기를 가지는 데 그를 초청하였다. 고등학교에서 자신의 시니어 해에 브라이언트는 53년 만에 에이시스를 그들의 첫 주립 선수권으로 이끌었다. 경주가 열리는 동안 그는 에이시스를 31 승 3 패의 기록으로 이끌면서 30.8 포인트, 12 리바운드, 6.5 어시스트, 4 스틸과 3.8 블록 슛을 평균하였다. 브라이언트는 자신의 고등학교 경력을 2883의 포인트에서 펜실베이니아주 남동부의 사상 지도적인 득점으로서 마쳐 윌트 체임벌린과 라이오넬 시먼스 둘다를 앞섰다.

브라이언트는 로어메리언에서 자신의 시니어 해 동안 자신의 뛰어난 상연으로 몇몇의 상을 받았다. 상은 "올해의 네이스미스 고등학교 선수" 상, "게이터레이드 올해의 국내 농구 선수" 상, "맥도날드 올아메리칸" 상과 "USA 투데이 올USA 퍼스트 팀 선수" 상을 포함하였다. 브라이언트의 대학 코치 그렉 다우너는 그가 "지배하는 완료적 선수"였다고 소감을 남기고 그의 활동 윤리는 물론 팀의 최고 선수로서 그를 칭찬하였다.


<프로 경력>


1. 1996년 NBA 드래프트:

샬럿 호네츠의 지명을 받자마자 트레이드되어 로스앤젤레스 레이커스에 입단했다. 당시 로스앤젤레스 레이커스의 감독 제리 웨스트에 의하면 1996년 NBA 드래프트에 대비하여 브라이언트는 레이커스의 전직 선수 래리 드루와 마이클 쿠퍼에 연습 시합을 한 로스앤젤레스에서 연습 운동을 하였다. 레이커스는 자유 계약 센터 샤킬 오닐에게 제공을 만드는 데 샐러리의 공간을 제거하는 순서에서 자신들의 출발 센터 블라데 디바치를 이적시키는 데 추구하고 있었다. 당시 샬럿 호네츠의 총스카웃 빌 브랜치는 드래프트가 있기 하루 전에 13번에서 자신들의 드래프트 선발을 이적하는 데 호니츠가 동의하였다고 한다. 이적 동의서에 대비하여 호니츠는 브라이언트를 드래프트 하는 데 전혀 숙고하지 않았다. 드래프트가 있는 동안 레이커스는 선발이 이루어지기 전에 레이커스는 순간을 선발한 호니츠에게 말하였다. 브라이언트는 고등학교에서 나온 곧바로 드래프트 된 처음이자 마지막 가드였다.

드래프트 후, 이적은 디바치가 레이커스로부터 이적되기 보다 은퇴하기로 협박할 때 위험에 놓였다. 하지만 6월 30일 디바치는 자신의 협박에 마음이 부드러워 지고 리그의 오프시즌 금지령이 끝날 때 이적이 7월 9일 최종적으로 이루어졌다. 당시 브라이언트가 아직 17세였던 이래 그의 부모는 그가 시즌이 시작되기 전 18세가 될 때 자신이 직접 계약을 맺을 수 있을 때까지 레이커스와 함께 그의 계약을 함께 맺어야 했다. 브라이언트는 총 3.5 백만 달러의 3년 신인 선수 계약을 맺었다.


2. NBA로 조정 (1996년 ~ 99년):

브라이언트는 캘리포니아주 롱비치에서 여름 프로 리그에 데뷔하여 입석의 관중 앞에서 25 포인트를 득점하였다. 디펜더들은 그의 앞으로 오는 데 분투하고 그의 상연은 제리 웨스트와 레이커스의 코치 델 해리스를 신나게 하였다. 그는 끝장에서 36 포인트를 득점하고 4개의 경기에서 24.5 포인트와 5.3 리바운드의 평균과 함께 끝냈다. 1996년 ~ 97년 시즌에 신인 선수로서 브라이언트는 대부분 가드 에디 존스와 닉 밴 엑셀의 뒤로 벤치로부터 중지되었다. 당시 그는 NBA 경기에서 활약하는 데 최연소 선수(저메인 오닐과 전 동료 선수 앤드루 바이넘에 의하여 깨진 이래의 기록 18세 72일)가 되었다. 시초적으로 브라이언트는 한정된 분들에 뛰었으나 시즌이 지속되면서 그는 더 많은 활약 시간을 보기 시작하였다. 시즌의 말기에 그는 한 경기에 15.5 분을 평균하였다. 올스타 주말 동안 브라이언트는 신인 선수 도전에 참가하여 1997년 슬램덩크 시합을 우승하여 18세의 나이에 최연소 덩크 챔피언이 되었다. 그해를 통하여 브라이언트의 상연은 그에게 벤치 동료 선수 트래비스 나이트와 함께 NBA 올루키 세컨드 팀에 자리를 주었다. 레이커스는 유타 재즈를 상대로 플레이오프에서 서부 컨퍼런스 준결승전으로 진출하였으며 브라이언트가 5번째 경기의 말기에 지도적 역할로 밀어나갔다. 바이런 스캇은 손목이 삐면서 경기를 놓치고, 로버트 호리가 재즈의 제프 호나섹와 싸우면서 퇴장당하고, 샤킬 오닐은 4번째 쿼터에서 1분 46초가 남으면서 파울볼이 상대 선수에게 잡혀 아웃되었다. 브라이언트는 경기의 말기에서 4개의 풍선을 쏘고, 재즈는 레이커스를 4 대 1로 탈락시키는 데 연장전에 98 대 93으로 우승하였다. 그는 처음에 4번째 쿼터에서 경기를 우승하는 2 포인트 점프 슛을 뿜고, 그러고나서 마지막 분에 2개의 트라이 슛을 포함한 3개의 3점 슛을 불발하였다.

브라이언트의 2번째 시즌에 그는 더 많은 활약 시간을 받고 재능있는 어린 가드로서 자신의 더 많은 능력을 보이기 시작하였다. 결과로서 브라이언트의 포인트 평균은 한 경기에 7.6에서 15.4로 2배 이상을 넘었다. 브라이언트는 자신이 보통 후원한 가드들 사이에 그가 작은 포워드로 활약하는 것을 보인 레이커스가 소규모로 활약할 때 분들에서 증가를 보았다. 그는 올해의 NBA의 6번째 선수 상을 위하여 준우승을 하였고, 팬의 투표를 통하여 그는 또한 NBA 역사상 최연소 NBA 올스타 출발 선수가 되었다. 1983년 같은 올스타 경기에서 같은 팀에 4명의 선수들이 선발된 이래 그는 동료 선수들 오닐, 밴 엑셀과 존스에게 가입되었다. 브라이언트의 한 경기의 15.4 포인트는 시즌에 아무 비출발 선수들 중의 최고였다.

1998년 ~ 99년 시즌은 리그에서 브라이언트의 출현을 1위의 가드로서 특정을 지었다. 출발 가드 밴 엑셀과 존스가 이적되면서 브라이언트는 록아웃으로 짧아진 50개의 경기 시즌을 위하여 모든 경기를 시작하였다. 그 시즌 동안 브라이언트는 7천만 달러 가치의 6년 연장 계약을 맺었다. 이 일은 그를 2003 ~ 04년 시즌의 말기까지 레이커스와 간직하였다. 자신 경력의 이른 무대에서 마저 스포츠 기사들은 그의 실력들을 마이클 조던과 매직 존슨의 실력들과 비교하고 있었다. 레이커스가 서부 컨퍼런스 준결승전에서 샌안토니오 스퍼스에 의하여 휩쓸어지면서 플레이오프 결과들은 나아지지 않았다.


3. 3연승 (1999년 ~ 2002년):

브라이언트의 행운들은 1999년 필 잭슨이 레이커스의 총감독으로서 차지할 때 향상되었다. 확고한 향상의 세월 후, 브라이언트는 리그에서 최고의 슈팅 가드들 중의 하나가 되어 리그의 올NBA, 올스타와 올디펜시브 팀들에 출연을 얻었다. 레이커스는 전설적인 센터-가드의 결합을 이룬 브라이언트와 오닐 아래 챔피언십 경쟁자가 되었다. 잭슨 감독은 시카고 불스와 함께 6개의 챔피언십을 우승하는 데 자신이 이행한 삼각 공격을 이용하였고, 이 공격은 브라이언트와 오닐 둘다에게 NBA의 엘리트 층으로 오르는 데 도움을 주었다. 3개의 결과적 챔피언은 2000년, 2001년과 2002년 연속적으로 우승하였다.

브라이언트는 워싱턴 위저즈를 상대로 시즌 전의 경기가 있는 동안 일어난 자신의 손 부상의 이유로 1999년 ~ 2000년 시즌의 출발에 대비하여 6주 동안 출장하지 못하였다. 브라이언트가 돌아와 경기에 28분 이상을 뛸 때 그는 그 시즌 동안 전부의 정적인 분류들에서 증가를 가졌다. 이 일은 한 경기에 어스스티와 스틸에서 팀을 지도하는 것을 포함하였다. 오닐과 브라이언트의 듀오는 레이커스를 67개의 경기들을 우승하는 데 이끈 강한 벤치를 후원하여 NBA 역사상 5번째로 가장 많은 기록을 위하여 동일시 하였다. 이 일은 오닐이 MVP 상을 수상하고, 브라이언트가 자신 경력에서 처음으로 올NBA 팀 세컨드 팀과 올NBA 디펜시브 팀으로 임명되면서 이어졌다. 플레이오프들에서 오닐에게 2번째 사취를 하는 동안 브라이언트는 포틀랜드 트레일블레이저스를 상대로 서부 컨퍼런스 결승전의 7번째 경기에서 25 포인트, 11 리바운드, 7 어시스트와 4개의 블록을 포함한 어떤 붙들은 상연들을 가졌다. 그는 또한 경기와 시리즈를 움켜쥐는 데 오닐에게 영차의 패스를 던지기도 하였다. 인디애나 페이서스를 상대로 2000년 결승전에서 브라이언트는 페이서스의 제일린 로즈의 발에 상륙한 후 2번째 경기의 2번째 쿼터에서 자신의 발목에 부상을 입었다. 로즈는 후에 자신의 발을 브라이언트의 아래에 고의로 놓았다고 인정하였다. 브라이언트는 경기에 돌아오지 않았고, 그는 또한 부상의 이유로 3번째 경기를 놓쳤다. 4번째 경기에서 브라이언트는 후반전에서 22 포인트를 득점하고, 오닐이 경기의 밖으로 파울이 되면서 팀을 연장전 승리로 이끌었다. 브라이언트는 레이커스를 120 대 118로 앞서는 데 놓는 데 우승 슛을 득점하였다. 6번째 경기의 116 대 111의 승리와 함께 레이커스는 1988년 이래 자신들의 첫 챔피언십을 우승하였다.

통계적으로 2000년 ~ 01년 시즌은 브라이언트가 이전의 해와 비슷하게 상연하는 것을 보았으나 그는 한 경기에 6 포인트 이상을 평균하였다. 그 일은 또한 브라이언트와 오닐 사이에 불동의들이 일어나기 시작한 한해이기도 하였다. 다시 한번 한 경기에 5 어시스트에서 팀을 이끌었다. 레이커스는 56개 만의 경기들을 우승하여 지난해부터 11개의 경기들로 떨어졌다. 레이커스는 플레이오프들에서 15 승 1 패로 가면서 응답하였다. 그들은 연장전에서 필라델피아 세븐티식서스를 상대로 자신의 첫 경기를 패하기 전에 결승전으로 진출하는 데 포틀랜드 트레일블레이저스, 새크라멘토 킹스와 샌안토니오 스퍼스를 쉽께 휩쓸었다. 그들은 다음 4개의 경기들을 우승하고 많은 시즌 만큼 로스앤젤레스로 자신들의 2번째 챔피언십을 가져오려고 하였다. 플레이오프들이 있는 동안 브라이언트는 자신의 통계를 한 경기에 29.4 포인트, 7.3 리바운드와 6.1 어시스트로 올려 가져온 무거운 분들을 뛰었다. 플레이오프에서 동료 선수 오닐은 브라이언트를 리그에서 최고 선수로 선언하였다. 브라이언트는 정렬에서 2번째 해를 위하여 올NBA 세컨드 팀과 올NBA 디펜시브 팀으로 이루고 말았다. 추가로 그는 정렬에서 3번째 해를 위하여 NBA 올스타 경기에서 출발하는 데 투표되기도 하였다.

2001년 ~ 02년 시즌에서 브라이언트는 자신 경력에서 처음으로 80개의 경기들을 뛰었다. 그는 한 경기에 25.2 포인트, 5.5 리바운드와 5.5 어시스트를 평균하면서 자신의 만능의 활약을 지속하였다. 그는 또한 경력 최고의 46.9%의 슈팅을 가졌고, 다시 한번 어시스트에서 자신의 팀을 이끌었다. 그는 필라델피아에서 31 포인트의 상연 후 자신의 첫 올스타 NBA 트로피를 주장하였다. 올NBA 디펜시브 팀으로 다시 이루는 동안 그는 또한 자신 경력에서 처음으로 올NBA 퍼스트 팀으로 승진되기도 하였다. 레이커스는 그해에 58개의 경기들을 우승하고, 주 안에서 라이벌 팀 새크라멘토 킹스의 뒤로 퍼시픽 디비전에서 2위를 하였다. 브라이언트는 3월 1일 페이서스에 승리를 거둔 후, 페이서스의 레지 밀러를 주먹으로 친 후 1개의 경기에 출전 정지를 당하였다.

결승전으로 길은 레이커스가 이전해에 가진 라운드 활약보다 더욱 완고함으로 증명되었다. 레이커스가 트레일블레이저스를 휩쓸고 플레이오프의 첫 2개의 라운드에서 스퍼스를 4 대 1로 꺽은 동안 레이커스는 킹스를 상대로 홈코트의 장점을 가지지 않았다. 시리즈는 7개의 경기들로 뻗어져 2000년 서부 컨퍼런스 결승전 이래 레이커스에게 생긴 첫 일이었다. 하지만 레이커스는 자신들의 디비전 라이벌들을 꺾고 자신들의 3연속 NBA 결승전 출연들을 이루어낼 수 있었다. 뉴저지 네츠를 상대로 2002년 결승전에서 브라이언트는 한 경기에 26.8 포인트, 51.4% 슈팅, 5.8 리바운드, 5.3 어시스트를 평균하였다. 23세의 나이로 브라이언트는 3개의 챔피언십을 우승하는 데 최연소 선수가 되었다. 브라이언트의 활약은 두드러졌고 경기의 4번째 쿼터에서그의 상연으로 칭송을 받았다. 이 일은 브라이언트의 평판을 "움켜쥐는 선수"로서 굳혔다.


4. 2002년 ~ 04년 시즌:

2002년 ~ 03년 시즌에서 브라이언트는 시애틀 슈퍼소닉스를 상대로 12점을 만들 때 2003년 1월 7일 경기에서 3점 슛을 위한 NBA 기록을 세웠다. 그는 한 경기에 30 포인트를 평균하고, 역사적인 활약에 착수하여 2월 전체에 40.6을 평균하는 동안 9개의 연속적 경기들에서 40 혹은 그 이상의 평균을 득점하였다. 추가로 그는 한 경기에 6.9 리바운드, 5.9 어시스트와 2.2 스틸을 평균하여 그 포인트에 경력 사상 최고였다. 브라이언트는 다시 한번 올NBA와 올디펜시브 퍼스 팀 둘다로 투표되었고, MVP 상을 위한 투표에서 3위를 하였다. 정규 시즌에서 40 승 32 패로 끝낸 후, 레이커스는 플레이오프들에서 벌버둥치고 결국적인 NBA 챔피언 샌안토니오 스퍼스에게 6개의 경기들에서 서부 컨퍼런스 준결승전을 패하였다.

2003년 ~ 04년 시즌에 이어 레이커스는 NBA 챔피언십에서 또다른 후원을 이루는 데 NBA 올스타 칼 멀론과 게리 페이턴을 취득할 수 있었다. 정규 시즌의 마지막 경기에서 레이커스는 포틀랜드 트레일블레이저스를 상대로 경기를 가졌다. 4번째 쿼터의 말기에 브라이언트는 연장전으로 보내지는 데 1.1초가 남으면서 3 포인트를 이루었다. 경기는 결국적으로 레이커스가 트레일블레이저스를 105 대 104로 통과하는 데 시간이 만기되면서 브라이언트가 또 다른 3 포인트를 이룬 2번째 연장전으로 갔다.

오닐, 말론, 페이턴과 브라이언트의 출발 정렬과 함께 레이커스는 NBA 결승전에 진출할 수 있었다. 하지만 그들은 1990년 이래 자신들의 첫 챔피언십을 우승한 디트로이트 피스턴스에 의하여 5개의 경기들에서 패하였다. 그 시리즈에서 브라이언트는 한 경기에 22.6 포인트와 4.4 어시스트를 평균하였다. 그는 필드로부터 35.1% 슛을 쏘았다. 잭슨의 총감독으로서 계약은 재개되지 않고, 루디 토먀노비치가 차지하였다. 오닐은 라마 오덤, 캐런 버틀러와 브라이언 그랜트를 위하여 마이애미 히트로 이적되었다. 이어진 날에 브라이언트는 로스앤젤레스 클리퍼스와 계약을 맺는 데 제공을 거부하고, 레이커스와 함께 7년 계약을 다시 맺었다.


5. 득점 기록과 플레이오프 패배들 (2004년 ~ 07년):

브라이언트는 이전의 해에 생긴 모든 것으로부터 자신의 평판이 손해를 당하면서 2004년 ~ 05년 시즌 동안 가깝게 세밀히 조사되고 비판을 받았다. 특히 손해당한 단서는 잭슨이 〈The Last Season:A Team in Search of Its Soul〉을 저서할 때 왔다. 이 책은 레이커스의 소란스러운 2003년 ~ 04년 시즌의 사건들을 상술하였고 브라이언트의 비판들의 다수를 가졌다. 책에서 잭슨은 브라이언트를 "코치할 수 없다"고 불렀다. 시즌을 통한 중반에 토먀노비치는 갑자기 레이커스의 총감독으로서 사임하여 건강 문제들과 지침의 재현을 인용하였다. 토먀노비치 없이 레이커스의 시즌 나머지의 책무는 경력 수석 코치 프랭크 햄블렌에게 떨어졌다. 브라이언트는 한 경기에 27.6 포인트에서 리그의 2번째로 지도적인 득점자였으나 그는 표준 이하의 후원 배역들에 의하여 둘러싸였고, 레이커스는 34 승 48 패로 가 10년간의 세월에 처음으로 플레오프들을 놓쳤다. 그가 NBA 올디펜시브 팀에 이루지 못하고, 또한 올NBA 서드 팀으로 강등되면서 그해는 NBA에서 브라이언트의 전체 지위에서 떨어짐을 의미하였다. 시즌 동안 브라이언트는 또한 멀론과 레이 앨런과 공공적 불화들에 착수되었다.

2005년 ~ 06년 시즌은 브라이언트의 농구 경력에서 네거리로 특정을 지었다. 브라이언트와 지난 다름들에 불구하고, 잭슨은 레이커스를 감독하는 데 돌아왔다. 브라이언트는 동작을 보증하고, 전부의 출연들에 의하여 둘은 후반전을 함께 잘 해나가 레이커스를 플레이오프들로 다시 이끌었다. 브라이언트의 개인적 득점 성취들은 그의 경력의 가장 좋은 통계적 시즌에 결과들을 놓았다. 2005년 12월 20일 브라이언트는 댈러스 매버릭스를 상대로 3개의 쿼터에서 62 포인트를 득점하였다. 4번째 쿼터로 들어간 브라이언트는 전체의 매버릭스 팀을 62 대 61로 득점 매겨 슈팅 시간의 소개 이래 선수가 3개의 쿼터를 통하여 이 일은 해내는 데 단 한번이다. 레이커스가 2006년 1월 16일 레이커스가 마이애미 히트를 향할 때 브라이언트와 샤킬 오닐은 경기 전에 악수와 포옹에서 착수하면서 표제를 만들어 그들 사이에 괴롭혀진 불화에서 변화를 의미하였다. 1달 후, 그해의 NBA 올스타 경기에서 2명은 함께 웃은 것으로 보였다.


스테이플스 센터에서 토론토 랩터스를 상대로 브라이언트는 경력 사상의 81 포인트를 득점하여 NBA 역사상 2번째로 최고의 싱글 득점 상연으로 1962년 윌트 체임벌린에 의한 듣점 만을 능가하였다.

체임벌린이 되풀이적으로 블로아웃 우승에서 내부 슛을 위하여 동료 선수들에 의하여 주어진 것에 반하여 브라이언트는 레이커스가 14점에 의한 하프 타임에서 끌어지고 4번째 쿼터에서 후퇴할 때까지 자신 소유의 슛(대부분 외부로부터)을 창조하였다. 경기들이 더욱 빠르게 속력을 내고 득점 기회들이 더욱 힘든 시기에 활약한 체임벌린은 세븐티식서스의 169 대 147의 우승에서 자신 팀의 포인트들의 59%를 위한 계산은 레이커스의 122 포인트들의 득점된 브라이언트의 66%와 비교된다. 같은 달에 브라이언트는 또한 1964년 이래 4개의 연속적 경기들에서 45 혹은 그 이상의 포인트를 득점하는 데 첫 선수가 되어 그렇게 하는 데 체임벌린과 엘진 베일러에 가입하였다. 1월을 위하여 브라이언트는 한 경기에 43.4 포인트를 평균하여 NBA 역사상 8번째로 최고의 싱글의 달과 체임벌린보다 다른 선수를 위하여 최고였다. 2005년 ~ 06년 시즌의 말기에 브라이언트는 가장 많은 27개의 40 포인트 경기들과 2832개의 가장 많이 득점한 포인트를 위한 레이커스의 싱글 시즌 프랜차이즈 기록을 세웠다. 그는 한 경기에 35.4 포인트를 평균하면서 처음으로 리그의 득점 타이틀을 우승하여 한 시즌에 최소한 36의 평균으로 리그 역사상 5번째의 선수가 되었다. 브라이언트는 그해의 NBA MVP 상을 위한 투표에서 4위를 하였으나 22개의 1위 투표들을 받아 우승자 스티브 내시 만으로 2위였다.

시즌의 후기에 브라이언트가 2006년 ~ 07년 시즌의 시작에서 브라이언트가 자신의 등번호를 8번에서 24번으로 바꾼다고 보고되었다. 브라이언트의 첫 고등학교 등번호는 그가 33번으로 바꾸기 전에 24번이었다. 레이커스의 시즌이 끝난 후, 브라이언트는 TNT에 자신이 신인 선수로서 24번을 원하였으나 카림 압둘자바와 함께 영구 결번된 33번이었으면서 무효였다고 말하였다. 브라이언트는 아디아스 ABCD에서 143번을 입고 그 숫자들을 더하면서 8번을 선택하였다. 플레이오프의 첫 라운드에서 레이커스는 피닉스 선스에 3 대 1의 시리즈 지도를 도달하는 데 충분히 잘 하여 4번째 경기에서 브라이언트의 연장전 탈취와 경기를 우승하는 슛과 함께 최고점에 달하였다. 그들은 6번째 경기에서 연장전에 126 대 118로 그 경기를 패하였다. 시리즈에서 한 경기에 브라이언트의 27.9 포인트에 불구하고, 레이커스는 깨지고 최후적으로 7개의 경기들에서 선스에게 떨어졌다. 6번째 경기의 패배에서 35개의 슛 중 20개에 50 포인트를 득점한 후, 브라이언트는 선스에게121 대 90으로 패한 7번째 경기의 후반전에서 3개만의 슛으로 비판을 받았다.

2006년 ~ 07년 시즌 동안 브라이언트는 자신의 9번째 올스타 경기 출연으로 선발되었고 2월 18일 그는 31 포인트, 6 어시스트와 6 스틸을 기록하여 자신의 2번째 경력 올스타 경기 MVP 상을 수상하였다. 시즌의 코스에 브라이언트는 다수의 온코트 사고들에 연루되기 시작하였다. 1월 28일 가능한 경기를 우승하는 점프슛에 접촉을 다가가는 시도를 하는 동안 그는 자신의 팔을 휘둘러 자신의 팔꿈치와 함께 스퍼스의 가드 마누 지노빌리의 얼굴을 쳤다. 리그의 재조사에 이어 브라이언트는 뉴욕 닉스를 상대로 매디슨 스퀘어 가든에서 열린 다음의 경기를 위하여 출전 정지를 당하였다. 후에 3월 6일 그는 동작을 되풀하는 것으로 보여 이번에는 미네소타 팀버울브스의 가드 마르코 야리치를 가격했다. 다음날 NBA는 브라이언트에게 그의 2번째 하나의 경기 출전 정지를 넘겼다. 3월 9일 그의 처음으로 돌아온 경기에서 그는 팔꿈치로 카일 코버의 얼굴을 쳤다.

3월 16일 브라이언트는 레이커스의 7개의 경기 패배 경향을 끝내는 도움을 준 트레일블레이저스를 상대로 홈 경기에서 시즌 최고의 65 포인트를 득점하였다. 이 일은 그의 11년 경력의 2번째로 최고 득점 상연이었다. 이어진 경기에 브라이언트는 자신이 멤피스 그리즐리스를 상대로 우승에서 자신이 60 포인트를 득점한 후, 팀버울브스를 상대로 50 포인트를 기록하여 1987년 조던이 마지막으로 한 이래 보이지 않은 3개의 연속적 50 플러스 포인트 경기들을 득점하는 데 2번째 레이커스 선수가 되었다. 이렇게 하는 데 또 하나 만의 레이커스 선수는 1962년 12월 3개의 연속적 경연들에서 50 플러스를 득점한 베일러였다. 이어진 날 뉴올리언스 호니츠를 상대로 브라이언트는 50 포인트를 득점하여 체임벌린의 뒤로 4개의 연속적 50 포인트 경기를 가니는 데 NBA 역사상 2번째 선수로 자신을 만들었다. 브라이언트는 그해를 10개의 50 플러스 포인트 경기들과 함께 끝냈다. 그는 또한 그 시즌에 자신의 2번째 연속 득점 타이틀을 우승하기도 하였다. 2006년 ~ 07년 시즌을 통하여 그의 셔츠는 미국과 중화인민공화국에서 최고로 팔리는 NBA 셔츠가 되었다. 다수의 저널리스트들은 코트에서 그의 지속적인 올스타 상연은 물론 브라이언트의 새 등번호로 향상된 세일에 귀착시켰다. 2007년 플레이오프들에서 레이커스는 다시 한번 피닉스 선스에 의하여 4 대 1로 첫 라운드에서 탈락되었다.


6. 정상에 복귀 (2007년 ~ 10년):

2007년 5월 27일 ESPN은 만약 제리 웨스트가 완전한 권위와 함께 팀으로 돌아오지 않았다면 브라이언트가 자신이 이적되는 데 원해졌다는 주장을 하였다고 보고하였다. 브라이언트는 웨스트의 프랜차이즈로 복귀를 위한 자신의 욕망을 확실히 하였으나 만약 그 일이 일어나지 않으면 자신이 이적되기를 원한 것을 주장하는 데 부인하였다. 주장을 만든지 3시간 후에 브라이언트는 잭슨 감독과 대화를 가진 후 또 다른 인터뷰에서 자신이 자신의 결정을 재숙고하고 자신의 이적 요구를 후원하였다고 주장하였다. 브라이언트는 후에 센터 앤드루 바이넘이 올스타 제이슨 키드를 위하여 이적되었다는 것을 말한 아마추어 비디오에 보였다.

12월 23일 브라이언트는 매디슨 스퀘어 가든에서 열린 닉스를 상대로 경기에서 20,000 포인트를 도달하는 데 29세 122일의 최연소 선수가 되었다. 이 기록은 르브론 제임스에 의하여 깨진 이래였다. 자신의 슈팅 손의 작은 손가락 부상에 불구하고 브라이언트는 수술을 받는 대신 정규 시즌의 모든 82개의 경기들에 뛰었다. 2008년 9월 초순에 그는 수술을 받지 않기로 결정하였다.

스페인 출신의 올스타 파우 가솔의 계약에 의한 원조된 브라이언트는 자신의 팀을 57 승 25 패의 서부 최고 기록으로 이끌었다. 레이커스는 5월 8일 첫 라운드에서 덴버 너기츠를 휩쓸고 브라이언트는 공식적으로 리그의 MVP로 선언되었다. 자신의 MVP 상의 수상에 추가로 브라이언트는 5월 8일 자신 경력에서 3개의 연속적 시즌과 6번째로 올NBA 팀으로 단 만장 일치 만의 선발 선수였다. 그는 그러고나서 케빈 가넷과 NBA 올디펜시브 퍼스트 팀에 표제를 달아 24개의 1위 승인들을 포함하여 총 52 포인트를 받아 자신의 8번째 선발을 얻었다.

레이커스는 57 승 25 패의 기록과 함께 2007년 ~ 08년 정규 시즌을 끝내며 서부 컨퍼런스에서 1위를 하고 너기츠를 상대로 첫 라운드 경기를 위하여 자신들을 세웠다. 1번째 경기에서 경기의 대부분을 통하여 자신을 유인 선수로 만들었다고 말한 브라이언트는 레이커스가 안전하게 앞서도록 지키는 데 마지막 8분에 자신의 23 포인트 중 18를 득점하였다. 그 일은 2004년 그리즐리스가 스퍼스에게 4개의 경기들에서 떨어진 이래 플레이오프의 첫 라운드에서 휩쓸어지는 데 너기츠를 첫 50개의 우승 팀으로 만들었다. 재즈를 상대로 다음 라운드의 첫 경기에서 브라이언트는 1번째 경기에서 레이커스가 재즈를 꺾으면서 38 포인트를 득점하였다. 레이커스는 다음 경기에도 우승하였으나 브라이언트가 한 경기에 33.5 포인트로 올렸어도 3번째와 4번째 경기들을 떨어뜨렸다. 레이커스는 그러고나서 6번째 경기에서 준결승전을 우승하는 데 다음 2개의 경기들을 우승하였다. 이 일은 팀이 서부 컨퍼런스 결승전에서 스퍼스를 상대로 경기를 세웠다. 레이커스는 스퍼스를 5개의 경기들에서 꺾어 자신들을 보스턴 셀틱스를 상대로 NBA 결승전으로 보냈다. 이 일은 브라이언트 경력에서 5번째와 오닐 없이 결승전으로 가는 데 처음으로 특정을 지었다. 그러고나서 레이커스는 6개의 경기들에서 셀틱스에게 패하였다.


2008년 ~ 09년 시즌에 레이커스는 자신들의 첫 7개의 경기들을 우승하며 캠페인을 열었다. 브라이언트는 17 승 2 패로 간 시즌을 시작하는 데 가장 많은 우승들을 위한 프랜차이즈 기록을 동일시 하는 데 팀을 이끌었고, 12월의 중순에 그들은 21 승 3 패의 기록을 수집하였다. 그는 출발 선수로서 자신의 11번째 연속적 올스타 경기로 선발되었고, 3번이나 "이번 주의 서부 컨퍼런스 선수"로 임명되는 데 추가로 12월과 1월 "이번 달의 서부 컨퍼런스 선수"로 임명되었다. 2009년 2월 2일 닉스를 상대로 경기에서 브라이언트는 61 포인트를 득점하여 매디슨 스퀘어 가든에서 매겨진 가장 많은 포인트를 위한 기록을 세웠다. 2009년 NBA 올스타 경기가 열리는 동안 브라이언트는 27 포인트, 4 어시스트, 4 리바운드와 4 스틸을 평균하여 전 동료 선수 오닐과 공동으로 올스타 MVP 상을 수상하였다. 브라이언트는 르브론 제임스에 밀려 MVP 투표에서 2위를 하고, 자신 경력에서 7번째로 올NBA 퍼스트 팀과 올디펜시브 퍼스트 팀으로 선발되었다.

플레이오프들에서 레이커스는 5개의 경기에서 유타 재즈를 꺾고, 2개의 오프닝 라운드에서 휴스턴 로키츠를 7개의 경기에서 꺾었다. 6개의 경기들에서 덴버 너기츠를 꺾은 후, 레이커스는 자신들의 5개의 경기들에서 올랜도 매직을 꺾은 NBA 결승전에서 자신들의 2연속 진출을 얻었다. 브라이언트는 자신의 4번째 챔피언십에 자신의 첫 NBA 결승전 MVP 상을 수상하여 32.4 포인트, 7.4 어시스트, 5.6 리바운드, 1.4 스틸과 1.4 블로킹의 시리즈 평균을 얻었다. 그는 1969년 웨스트가 결승 시리즈를 위하여 최소한 32.4 포인트와 7.4 어시스트를 평균한 이래 첫 선수이며, 결승전에서 조던이 타이틀을 우승한 팀을 위하여 30 포인트, 5 리바운드와 5 어시스트를 평균한 이래 첫 선수이다.


2009년 ~ 10년 시즌 동안 브라이언트는 2009년 12월 4일 마이애미 히트를 상대로 기적의 타격과 외다리의 3 포인트를 포함한 6개의 경기를 우승하는 슛을 이루었다. 브라이언트는 자신이 만든 가장 행운적인 하나의 슛을 숙고하였다. 1주 후, 브라이언트는 미네소타 팀버울브스를 상대로 자신의 오른쪽 손가락에 골절을 입었다. 부상에 불구하고 수술을 받는 데 시간을 빼먹는 것보다 지속적으로 활약하는 데 선출되었다. 자신의 손가락 부상이 일어난지 5주 후, 그는 이번에 연장전 경기에서 밀워키 벅스를 상대로 정식 경기에서 기회를 놓친 후, 또다른 경기를 우승하는 슛을 이루었다. 브라이언트는 시즌 동안 25,000 포인트를 도달하는 데 31세 151일의 최연소 선수가 되어 체임벌린을 앞섰다. 그는 지속적으로 킹스를 상대로 또다른 경기를 우승하는 3점 슛을 이루는 자신의 지배적인 움켜쥐은 활약들을 하였다. 이어진 잘에 그는 레이커스 프랜차이즈 역사상 사상의 지도력 득점자가 되는 데 웨스트를 앞섰다. 발목 부상으로부터 5번이나 출장하지 못한 후, 브라이언트는 복귀하여 그리즐리스를 상대로 4초가 남으면서 레이커스에게 1 포인트 선두를 주는 데 또다른 움켜쥐은 3점 슛을 이루었다. 2주 후, 그는 토론토 랩터스를 상대로 자신의 시즌의 6번째 경기를 우승하는 슛을 이루었다.

2010년 4월 2일 브라이언트는 8천 7백만 달러의 가치의 3년 확장 계약을 맺었다. 브라이언트는 자신의 무릎과 손가락에 부상의 이유로 마지막 5개의 경기들의 4개를 놓치며 정규 시즌을 끝냈다. 브라이언트는 시즌을 통하여 다수의 부상을 겪고 결과로서 9개의 경기들을 놓쳤다. 레이커스는 오클라호마시티 선더를 상대로 서부 컨퍼런스에서 6개의 경기들에서 꺾었다. 레이커스는 2번째 라운드에서 재즈를 휩쓸고, 서부 컨퍼런스 결승전으로 진출하여 피닉스 선스를 향하였다. 2번째 경기에서 브라이언트는 13 어시스트와 함께 경기를 끝내 플레이오프 경력 최고의 신기록을 세웠으며, 1996년 매직 존슨이 13 어시스트를 가진 이래 플레이오프들에서 레이커스 선수에 의한 가장 많은 어시스트였다. 2008년 챔피언 보스턴 셀틱스를 상대로 리매치에서 필드로부터 24점을 위하여 6점을 슛을 쏘는 데 불구하고 브라이언트는 챔피언십을 우승하는 데 7번째 경기에서 레이커스를 13 포인트 3번째 쿼터의 부족으로부터 원래로 이끌었으며, 4번째 쿼터에서 자신의 경기 최고 23 포인트의 10을 득점하여 15 리바운드와 함께 경기를 끝냈다. 브라이언트는 자신의 5번째 챔피언십을 우승하고 자신의 2연속 NBA 결승전 MVP 상을 수상하였다. 이 일은 NBA 결승전에서 보스턴 셀틱스를 상대로 레이커스가 7번째 경기를 우승한 처음으로 특징을 지었다. 브라이언트는 이 일이 자신의 5개의 챔피언십의 전부의 가장 만족이라고 말하였다.


<국가대표팀 경력>

브라이언트는 오프 시즌에 결혼을 한 이유로 2000년 하계 올림픽 국가대표 차출을 거절했다. 그는 또한 2002년 FIBA 세계 선수권 대회에서 활약하지 않기로 결정하였다. 브라이언트는 원래 2003년 FIBA 미주 선수권 대회를 위하여 선발되었으나 어깨와 무릎 수술을 받은 후, 물러났다. 이어진 여름에 그는 자신의 성폭행 혐의 때문에 올림픽 국가대표팀에서 물러나야 했다. 르브론 제임스와 더불어 그는 제리 콜란젤로에 의하여 2006년 미국 예비 로스터(2006년 ~ 08년)에 공동적으로 임명된 2명의 선수들 중의 하나였다. 하지만 그는 다시 한번 무릎 수술 후에 경기에 출장하지 못하게 되었고, 그해의 FIBA 세계 선수권 대회에 참가하지 않았다.

브라이언트의 미국 국가대표팀 경력은 2007년부터 시작되었다. 그는 2007년 미국 남자 시니어 국가 대표팀과 10 대 0으로 우승한 미국 FIBA 미주 선수권 대회 팀, 그리고 2008년 하계 올림픽을 위한 미국 남자 팀의 일원이었다. 브라이언트는 토너먼트에서 한 경기에 15.3 포인트, 2.9 어시스트, 2.0 리바운드와 1.6 스틸을 평균하였다.

2008년 6월 23일 그는 베이징 올림픽을 앞두고 미국 국가대표팀으로 선발됐다. 이는 그의 첫 올림픽 출전이다. 2008년 8월 24일 농구 결승전에서 미국이 스페인을 118 대 107로 꺾으면서 브라이언트는 6어시스트와 함께 4쿼터에서 13점을 포함한 20득점을 올렸다. 8개의 올림픽 경연에서 그는 필드로부터 .462를 슈팅하는 동안 15.0 포인트, 2.8 리바운드와 2.1 어시스트를 평균하였다.

브라이언트는 2012년 하계 올림픽에도 출전했다. 그는 2연속 금메달을 획득한 후 국가대표팀에서 은퇴하였다.


<정규시즌 기록>

<플레이오프 기록>


Kobe Bean Bryant (August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020) was an American retired professional basketball player.

As a shooting guard, he played for the Los Angeles Lakers, a National Basketball Association (NBA) team, winning five championships (2000–2002, 2009, 2010). He is also the only son of Joe Bryant, who played for the Philadelphia 76ers and served as the WNBA's former manager of the Los Angeles Sparks.

His nickname during his career was "Black Mamba".

<Early Life and Education>

Born in Philadelphia, Bryant was one of three children of former NBA basketball players Joe Bryant and Pamela Cox Bryant

He was the only son in the only son. He is also the maternal nephew of basketball player Joe "Chubby" Cox. His parents named him Kobe after a famous beef dish in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, which they saw on the restaurant menu. His central name, "Bean," was given because his father's nickname was "Jelly Bean." Bryant has been brought up to be a Roman Catholic. When Kobe was six years old, his father retired from the NBA and moved his family to Lietti, Italy, to continue playing professional basketball at a low level. Covey learned to get used to his new life and to speak Italian fluently. During the summer, he tried to return to the United States to play in the basketball summer league.

Bryant started playing basketball at the age of three, and as he grew up, the Lakers were his favorite team. At an early age, he also learns to play soccer and his favorite team was AC Milan. When his father retired from active duty in 1991, his family returned to the United States.

<High School Days>

Bryant gained national recognition during his stellar high school career at Lower Merion High School in Admore, located outside of Philadelphia. He played on the college basketball team as a freshman. He became the first freshman in 10 years to start for the University of Lower Merion team, but the team finished with a 4–20 record. In the following three years, Bryant played all five positions, and the ace collected a 77–13 record. In his junior year, he averaged 31.1 points, 10.4 rebounds and 5.2 assists, and was named "Pennsylvania State Player of the Year", drawing attention from college recruits in progress. Duke University, the University of Michigan, the University of North Carolina and the University of Villanova were at the top of his list, and Bryant began to contemplate going straight to the pro when Kevin Garnett went to the first round of the 1995 NBA draft.

At the Adidas ABCD camp, Bryant won the 1995 Senior MVP Award while playing alongside his later NBA teammate Lamar Odham. While in high school, then Philadelphia 76ers coach John Lucas invited Bryant to play a practice game with Jerry Stackhouse's one-on-one team. In his senior year in high school, Bryant led the Aces to their first state championship in 53 years. During the race, he averaged 30.8 points, 12 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 4 steals and 3.8 block shots, leading the Aces to a 31–3 record. Bryant finished his high school career with 2883 points as an all-time leading scorer for southeastern Pennsylvania, ahead of both Wilt Chamberlain and Lionel Simmons.

Bryant won several awards for his outstanding performance during his senior year at Lower Marianne. The awards included the Naismith High School Player of the Year award, the Gatorade National Basketball Player of the Year award, the McDonald's All-American award and the USA Today All-USA First Team Player award. Bryant's college coach Greg Downer praised him as the team's best player, as well as his work ethic, saying he was a "complete player in control."


<Professional career>

1. 1996 NBA Draft:

As soon as he was nominated by the Charlotte Hornets, he was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. In preparation for the 1996 NBA draft, Bryant practiced in Los Angeles, where former Lakers players Larry Drew and Michael Cooper had a practice match, according to Los Angeles Lakers coach Jerry West at the time. The Lakers were seeking to transfer their starting center Vladivacci in the order of removing celery's space to create an offer for free agent Shaquille O'Neill. At the time, Charlotte Hornets' general scout Bill Branch said the Hornets agreed to transfer their draft pick from No. 13 a day before the draft. In preparation for the transfer agreement, the Hornets did not contemplate drafting Bryant at all. During the draft, the Lakers spoke to the Hornets, who selected the moment, before the selection was made. Bryant was the first and last guard to be drafted right out of high school.

After the draft, the transfer was put in danger when Divach threatened to retire rather than be traded from the Lakers. However, on June 30, Divach was softened by his threats and the transfer was finally made on July 9 when the league's off-season ban ended. Since Bryant was only 17 at the time, his parents have been forced to sign his contract with the Lakers until he can sign his own contract when he turns 18 before the season begins. Bryant signed a three-year rookie contract totaling $3.5 million.


2. Adjusted to NBA (1996–99):

Bryant made his summer professional league debut in Long Beach, California, scoring 25 points in front of a standing audience. The Defenders struggled to get ahead of him and his performance excited Jerry West and Lakers coach Del Harris. He scored 36 points in the end and finished with an average of 24.5 points and 5.3 rebounds in four games. As a rookie in the 1996–97 season, Bryant was mostly suspended from the bench behind guards Eddie Jones and Nick Van Excel. At that time, he became the youngest player to play in NBA games (a record of 18 years and 72 days since being broken by Jermaine O'Neill and former teammate Andrew Bynum). Initially, Bryant played in a limited number of minutes, but as the season continued, he began to see more playing time. At the end of the season, he averaged 15.5 minutes per game. During the All-Star weekend, Bryant entered the rookie challenge and won the 1997 slam dunk competition, becoming the youngest dunk champion at the age of 18. Throughout the year, Bryant's performance gave him a spot on the NBA All-Rookie Second Team with bench-mate Travis Knight. The Lakers advanced to the Western Conference semifinals in the playoffs against the Utah Jazz, and Bryant pushed to a leadership role at the end of Game 5. Byron Scott missed the game with a sprained wrist, Robert Horie was sent off as he battled Jazz's Jeff Honasek, and Shaquille O'Neill was out on a foul ball with 1:46 left in the fourth quarter. Bryant shot four balloons at the end of the game, and the Jazz won 98-93 in overtime to eliminate the Lakers 4-1. He initially fired a two-point jump to win the game in the fourth quarter, and then failed to make three 3-pointers, including two tries, in the final minute.

In Bryant's second season, he received more playing time and began to show more of his abilities as a talented young guard. As a result, Bryant's point average more than doubled from 7.6 to 15.4 per game. Bryant saw an increase in the minutes when the Lakers, who showed him playing as a small forward among the guards he usually sponsored, played on a small scale. He was runner-up for the NBA's sixth Player of the Year award, and through fan votes, he also became the youngest NBA All-Star starter in NBA history. Since 1983 when four players were selected for the same team in the same All-Star Game, he has joined fellow players O'Neill, Van Excel and Jones. Bryant's 15.4 points in a game were the best non-starters of the season.

The 1998-99 season marked Bryant's appearance as the No. 1 guard in the league. With starting guards Van Excel and Jones traded, Bryant started all games for a 50-game season that was shortened by a lockout. During the season, Bryant signed a six-year contract extension worth $70 million. This kept him with the Lakers until the end of the 2003–04 season. Even in the early stages of his career, sportsmen were comparing his skills to those of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. Playoff results did not improve as the Lakers were swept away by the San Antonio Spurs in the Western Conference semifinals.


3. 3 consecutive wins (1999-2002):

Bryant's fortunes improved when Phil Jackson took over as Lakers general manager in 1999. After years of solid improvement, Bryant became one of the best shooting guards in the league, earning appearances in the league's All-NBA, All-Star and All-Defensive teams. The Lakers became championship contenders under Bryant and O'Neill, a legendary center-guard combination. Jackson used his triangular attack to win six championships with the Chicago Bulls, which helped both Bryant and O'Neill rise to the NBA elite. The three resulting champions won consecutively in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

Bryant was sidelined for six weeks in preparation for the start of the 1999–2000 season due to a hand injury that occurred during a preseason game against the Washington Wizards. When Bryant returned and played more than 28 minutes in the game, he had an increase in all static categories during the season. This involved coaching teams in Earthstee and Steel in a game. A duo of O'Neill and Bryant identified the Lakers for the fifth-most record in NBA history, sponsoring a strong bench that led them to win 67 games. This continued when O'Neill won the MVP award and Bryant was named the All-NBA Team Second Team and the All-NBA Defensive Team for the first time in his career. During a second swindle to O'Neill in the playoffs, Bryant had some attached performances, including 25 points, 11 rebounds, 7 assists, and four blocks, in Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals against the Portland Trail Blazers. He also threw a pass to O'Neill to grab games and series. In the 2000 final against the Indiana Pacers, Bryant suffered an ankle injury in the second quarter of the second game after landing on the Pacers' Jailin Rose's foot. Rose later admitted that she had placed her feet under Bryant on purpose. Bryant did not return to the game, and he also missed the third game due to injury. In Game 4, Bryant scored 22 points in the second half and led the team to a overtime victory when O'Neill was fouled out of the game. Bryant scored the winning shot to put the Lakers ahead 120–118. With a 116–111 victory in Game 6, the Lakers won their first championship since 1988.

Statistically, the 2000-01 season saw Bryant perform similarly to the previous year, but he averaged more than six points per game. It was also the year when disagreements began to arise between Bryant and O'Neill. Once again, he led the team in five assists per game. The Lakers have won only 56 games, falling to 11 since last year. The Lakers responded by going 15–1 in the playoffs. They easily swept the Portland Trail Blazers, Sacramento Kings and San Antonio Spurs to advance to the finals before losing their first game against the Philadelphia 76ers in overtime. They won the next four games and tried to bring their second championship to Los Angeles as many seasons as they did. During the playoffs, Bryant played the heavy men who brought his statistics up to 29.4 points, 7.3 rebounds and 6.1 assists per game. In the playoffs, fellow player O'Neill declared Bryant the best player in the league. Bryant formed the All-NBA Second Team and the All-NBA Defensive Team for the second year in the alignment. In addition, he was voted to start the NBA All-Star Game for his third year in alignment.

In the 2001–02 season, Bryant played 80 games for the first time in his career. He continued his all-around performance, averaging 25.2 points, 5.5 rebounds and 5.5 assists per game. He also had a career-high 46.9 percent shooting, and once again led his team in assists. He claimed his first All-Star NBA trophy after a 31-point performance in Philadelphia. During his re-establishment to the All-NBA Defensive Team, he was also promoted to the All-NBA First Team for the first time in his career. The Lakers won 58 games that year, finishing second in the Pacific Division behind rivals the Sacramento Kings in the state. Bryant was suspended for one game after punching Reggie Miller of the Pacers after winning the Pacers on March 1.

The final proved Gil more stubborn than the Lakers' previous round performance. While the Lakers swept the Trail Blazers and beat Spurs 4-1 in the first two rounds of the playoffs, the Lakers did not have the home court advantage against the Kings. The series stretched to seven games, marking the Lakers' first appearance since the 2000 Western Conference Finals. However, the Lakers were able to beat their division rivals to make their third consecutive NBA Finals appearance. In the 2002 final against the New Jersey Nets, Bryant averaged 26.8 points, 51.4% shooting, 5.8 rebounds, and 5.3 assists per game. At the age of 23, Bryant became the youngest player to win three championships. Bryant's performance stood out and was praised for his performance in the fourth quarter of the game. It cemented Bryant's reputation as a "grabber".


4. 2002–04 Seasons:

In the 2002–03 season, Bryant set an NBA record for a three-run shot in a game on January 7, 2003, when he scored 12 points against the Seattle SuperSonics. He averaged 30 points per game and began his historic career, scoring an average of 40 or more in nine consecutive games while averaging 40.6 throughout February. In addition, he averaged 6.9 rebounds, 5.9 assists and 2.2 steals per game, a career-high for that point. Bryant was once again voted for both the All-NBA and the All-Defensive Perth teams, finishing third in the vote for the MVP award. After finishing 40–32 in the regular season, the Lakers struggled in the playoffs and lost the Western Conference semifinals in six games to eventual NBA champion San Antonio Spurs.

Following the 2003–04 season, the Lakers were able to acquire NBA All-Star Carl Malone and Gary Peyton to form another sponsorship in the NBA Championship. In the final game of the regular season, the Lakers played against the Portland Trail Blazers. At the end of the fourth quarter, Bryant scored three points with 1.1 seconds left to be sent to overtime. Eventually, the game went to the second overtime, where Bryant scored another three points, as time expired for the Lakers to pass the Trail Blazers 105–104.

With O'Neill, Marlon, Peyton, and Bryant's starting alignment, the Lakers were able to advance to the NBA Finals. However, they lost five games by the Detroit Pistons, who won their first championship since 1990. In the series, Bryant averaged 22.6 points and 4.4 assists per game. He shot 35.1 percent from the field. As Jackson's general manager, the contract did not resume, but Rudy Tomanovic took over. O'Neill was traded to the Miami Heat for Lamar Odham, Karen Butler and Brian Grant. On the following day, Bryant refused to sign a contract with the Los Angeles Clippers and re-signed with the Lakers on a seven-year contract.

5. Scoring records and playoff defeats (2004–07):

Bryant was closely scrutinized and criticized during the 2004–05 season, when his reputation was damaged by everything that occurred in the previous year. Particularly damaging clues came when Jackson wrote "The Last Season: A Team in Search of Its Soul". The book details the events of the Lakers' tumultuous 2003–04 season and had a number of criticisms from Bryant. In the book, Jackson called Bryant "uncoachable." In the middle of the season, Tomanovic suddenly resigned as Lakers general manager, citing recreation of health issues and guidelines. Without Tomanovic, the Lakers' rest of the season fell to career head coach Frank Hamblen. Bryant was the league's second leading scorer at 27.6 points per game, but he was surrounded by substandard backing roles, and the Lakers lost 34–48 to miss the playoffs for the first time in a decade. His failure to reach the NBA All-Defensive Team and relegation to the All-NBA Third Team meant that year he fell from Bryant's overall position in the NBA. During the season Bryant was also engaged in public feuds with Malone and Ray Allen.

The 2005-06 season marked Bryant's basketball career with four lengths. Despite Bryant and past differences, Jackson returned to manage the Lakers. Bryant guaranteed a move, and by all appearances, the two played well together in the second half, leading the Lakers back to the playoffs. Bryant's personal scoring achievements put results in the best statistical season of his career. On December 20, 2005, Bryant scored 62 points in three quarters against the Dallas Mavericks. Bryant, who entered the fourth quarter, scored 62–61 for the entire Mavericks team, and since the introduction of shooting time, the player has only done this through three quarters. Bryant and Shaquille O'Neill made headlines as the Lakers headed for the Miami Heat on January 16, 2006, when they embarked on a handshake and hug before the game, signifying a change in the feud that plagued them. A month later, the two appeared to laugh together in that year's NBA All-Star Game.

Against the Toronto Raptors at Staples Center, Bryant scored a career-high 81 points, the second-best single-scoring performance in NBA history, outperforming only the 1962 Wilt Chamberlain listening points.

While Chamberlain was repeatedly given by his teammates for an inside shot in a blowout win, Bryant created his own shot (mostly from the outside) until the Lakers were dragged out of the 14-point halftime and retreated in the fourth quarter. Chamberlain, whose games accelerated faster and his scoring opportunities were more difficult, calculated for 59% of his team's points in the SEVENTEEN's 169–147 victory compared to 66% of Bryant's 122 points scored by the Lakers. In the same month, Bryant also became the first player to score 45 or more points in four consecutive games since 1964, joining Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to do so. For January, Bryant averaged 43.4 points per game, the eighth-best single month in NBA history and the best for another player than Chamberlain. At the end of the 2005–06 season, Bryant set the Lakers' single-season franchise record for 27 40-point games and 2,832 most-scored points. He won the league's scoring title for the first time, averaging 35.4 points per game, making him the fifth player in league history to average at least 36 points per season. Bryant finished fourth in the voting for the NBA MVP award that year, but received 22 first-place votes, finishing second only to winner Steve Nashman.

Later in the season it was reported that Bryant changed his number from 8 to 24 at the start of the 2006–07 season. Bryant's first high school uniform number was 24 before he switched to 33. After the Lakers season ended, Bryant told TNT that he wanted 24 as a rookie but was invalid because he was 33 with Karim Abdulzaba permanently missing. Bryant wore 143 at the Adias ABCD and chose number 8, adding the numbers. In the first round of the playoffs, the Lakers did well enough to reach the Phoenix Suns 3–1 series map, reaching the highest point in Game 4 with Bryant's extra-time snatch and a game-winning shot. They lost the game 126–118 in overtime in the sixth game. Despite Bryant's 27.9 points per game in the series, the Lakers were broken and ultimately dropped to the Suns in seven games. After scoring 50 points on 20 of 35 shots in Game 6 defeat, Bryant was criticized for only three shots in the second half of Game 7 of the 121–90 loss to the Suns.

During the 2006–07 season, Bryant was selected for his ninth All-Star Game appearance, and on February 18, he won his second career All-Star Game MVP award with 31 points, 6 assists, and 6 steals. On the course of the season, Bryant began to be involved in a number of on-court accidents. While attempting to get in touch with a jump shot that won a possible game on Jan. 28, he swung his arm and hit Spurs guard Manu Ginovili in the face with his elbow. Following the league review, Bryant was suspended for the next game at Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks. Later on March 6, he appeared to repeat the move, this time hitting Minnesota Timberwolves guard Marco Yarwich. The next day, the NBA handed Bryant his second one-game suspension. In his first game back on March 9, he hit Kyle Corber in the face with his elbow.

On March 16, Bryant scored a season-high 65 points in a home game against the Trail Blazers, who helped end the Lakers' seven-game losing streak. It was the second highest scoring performance of his 11-year career. In the ensuing game, Bryant scored 50 points against the Timberwolves after scoring 60 points in his victory over the Memphis Grizzlies, becoming the second Lakers player to score three consecutive 50-plus-point games since Jordan last played in 1987. The only Lakers player to do this was Baylor, who scored 50 plus in three consecutive contests in December 1962. On the following day, Bryant scored 50 points against the New Orleans Hornets, making himself the second player in NBA history to go four straight 50-point games behind Chamberlain. Bryant finished the year with 10 50-plus-point games. He also won his second consecutive scoring title that season. Throughout the 2006–07 season, his shirt became the best-selling NBA shirt in the United States and the People's Republic of China. A number of journalists have resulted in an improved sale with Bryant's new number, as well as his continuous All-Star performance on the court. In the 2007 playoffs, the Lakers were once again eliminated in the first round 4–1 by the Phoenix Suns.


6. Return to Top (2007-10 years):

On 27 May 2007, ESPN reported that Bryant claimed he wanted to be traded if Jerry West had not returned to the team with full authority. Bryant confirmed his desire to return to West's franchise but denied claiming he wanted to be traded if it didn't happen. Three hours after making the captaincy, Bryant claimed in another interview that he had reconsidered his decision and sponsored his transfer request. Bryant was later shown in an amateur video that said center Andrew Bynum was traded for All-Star Jason Kid.

On Dec. 23, Bryant became the youngest player at 29 years and 122 days to reach 20,000 points in a game against the Knicks at Madison Square Garden. The record was broken by LeBron James. Despite a minor finger injury to his shooting hand, Bryant played in all 82 games of the regular season instead of undergoing surgery. In early September 2008, he decided not to undergo surgery.

Supported by Spanish All-Star Faugasol's contract, Bryant led his team to a 57-25 record in the West. The Lakers swept the Denver Nuggets in the first round on May 8, and Bryant was officially declared the league's MVP. In addition to winning his MVP award, Bryant was the only unanimous starter for an All-NBA team for three consecutive seasons and the sixth time in his career on May 8. He then headlined Kevin Garnett and the NBA All-Defensive First Team, earning a total of 52 points, including 24 first-place finishes, to earn his eighth start.

The Lakers finished the 2007–08 regular season with a 57-25 record, finishing first in the Western Conference and setting themselves up for the first round against the Nuggets. Bryant, who said he had made himself a lure through most of the game in Game 1, scored 18 of his 23 points in the last eight minutes to keep the Lakers ahead safely. It made the Nuggets the first 50 winners to be swept in the first round of the playoffs since the Grizzlies dropped four games to the Spurs in 2004. In the first game of the next round against the Jazz, Bryant scored 38 points as the Lakers defeated the Jazz in the first game. The Lakers also won the next game, but dropped their third and fourth games even if Bryant raised it to 33.5 points per game. The Lakers then won the next two games to win the semifinals in Game 6. This event set up the team against Spurs in the Western Conference final. The Lakers defeated the Spurs in five games to send them to the NBA Finals against the Boston Celtics. This marked the fifth time in Bryant's career and the first time he went to the final without O'Neill. The Lakers then lost to the Celtics in six games.

In the 2008-09 season, the Lakers campaigned, winning their first seven games. Bryant led the team to equate franchise records for the most wins to start the 17–2 season, and in mid-December, they collected a 21–3 record. He was selected for his 11th consecutive All-Star Game as a starter, and was named the Western Conference Player of the Month in December and January in addition to being named the Western Conference Player of the Week three times. On February 2, 2009, in a game against the Knicks, Bryant scored 61 points, setting the record for the most points scored at Madison Square Garden. During the 2009 NBA All-Star Game, Bryant averaged 27 points, 4 assists, 4 rebounds, and 4 steals to win the All-Star MVP award in collaboration with former teammate O'Neill. Bryant finished second in the MVP voting behind LeBron James, and was selected to the All-NBA First Team and the All-Defensive First Team for the seventh time in his career.

In the playoffs, the Lakers defeated the Utah Jazz in five games and the Houston Rockets in seven games in two opening rounds. After defeating the Denver Nuggets in six games, the Lakers earned their second straight spot in the NBA Finals, which beat the Orlando Magic in five of their games. Bryant won his first NBA Finals MVP award in his fourth championship, earning a series average of 32.4 points, 7.4 assists, 5.6 rebounds, 1.4 steals and 1.4 blocking. He was the first player since West averaged at least 32.4 points and 7.4 assists for the final series in 1969, and the first player since Jordan averaged 30 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists for the team that won the title in the final.

During the 2009–10 season, Bryant made six-game winning shots against the Miami Heat on December 4, 2009, including a miracle strike and a one-legged three-point shot. Bryant contemplated one of the luckiest shots he had ever made. A week later, Bryant suffered a fracture in his right finger against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Despite his injuries, he was elected to continue to play rather than waste time undergoing surgery. Five weeks after his finger injury, he made another game-winning shot this time after missing a chance in a formal game against the Milwaukee Bucks in overtime. Bryant outpaced Chamberlain by becoming the youngest player at 31 years and 151 days to reach 25,000 points during the season. He consistently performed his dominant clutches of 3-pointers against the Kings, winning another game. In the ensuing zal, he outpaced West to become the leading scorer in Lakers franchise history. After failing to make five appearances from an ankle injury, Bryant returned and made another grab three-point shot to give the Lakers a one-point lead with four seconds left against the Grizzlies. Two weeks later, he shot to win his sixth game of the season against the Toronto Raptors.

On April 2, 2010, Bryant signed a three-year expansion contract worth $87 million. Bryant ended the regular season by missing four of the last five games due to injuries to his knee and finger. Bryant suffered multiple injuries throughout the season and missed nine games as a result. The Lakers defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder in six games in the Western Conference. The Lakers swept the Jazz in the second round and advanced to the Western Conference Finals for the Phoenix Suns. In Game 2, Bryant finished with 13 assists to set a new playoff career record, the most assists by a Lakers player in the playoffs since Magic Johnson had 13 assists in 1996. Despite shooting six points from the field for 24 points in a rematch against the 2008 champion Boston Celtics, Bryant led the Lakers back from a 13-point third quarter deficit in Game 7 to win the championship, scoring his best 23 points 10 in the fourth quarter to finish with 15 rebounds. Bryant won his fifth championship and won his second consecutive NBA Finals MVP award. This marked the first time the Lakers won their seventh game against the Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals. Bryant said he was most satisfied with all of his five championships.


<National team career>

Bryant declined to represent the 2000 Summer Olympics because of his marriage in the offseason. He also decided not to play at the 2002 FIBA World Championships. Bryant was originally selected for the 2003 FIBA Americas Championship, but withdrew after undergoing shoulder and knee surgery. In the following summer, he was forced to step down from the Olympic team due to allegations of sexual assault. Along with LeBron James, he was one of two players to be co-appointed to the 2006 U.S. Preliminary Roaster (2006-08) by Jerry Colangelo. However, he was once again sidelined after knee surgery and did not participate in the FIBA World Championships that year.

Bryant's U.S. national team career began in 2007. He was a member of the 2007 U.S. men's senior national team, the 10-0 U.S. FIBA Americas Championship team, and the U.S. men's team for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Bryant averaged 15.3 points, 2.9 assists, 2.0 rebounds and 1.6 steals per game in the tournament.

On June 23, 2008, he was selected for the U.S. national team ahead of the Beijing Olympics. This is his first Olympic appearance. Bryant scored 20 points, including 13 in the fourth quarter with 6 assists, as the United States defeated Spain 118-107 in the August 24, 2008 basketball final. In eight Olympic Games, he averaged 15.0 points, 2.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists while shooting .462 from the field.

Bryant also competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics. He retired from the national team after winning two consecutive gold medals.


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